Cyberhilfswerk – Concept Release 1.0

As part of my involvement in AG KRITIS, I coordinated the process of developing a concept for a cyber relief organization and wrote some sections of this concept myself.

While in classic disaster situations the mainly voluntary helpers of private aid organisations and, in addition, the official institutions for the protection of the population are available and ensure that sufficient help is available even in extraordinary situations, voluntary structures for digital disaster situations do not yet exist.

Such structures must be created in such a way that the community is willing to get involved. We have written this concept in order to bring together both the overall social necessity and the acceptance of such a structure in the community.


I was pleased to present the concept at the second DefensiveCon on 07.02.2020 on board the c-base. The talk is only available in the german language


Various national media reported on the concept, but all of the reporting was done in german.

Konzept im Volltext

The concept is available on the website of AG KRITIS, but is only available in german.