Tag Archive for: c-base

Mount for hand-operated espresso machine
Boat-suitable assembly, suited for high listing angles, for a Wacaco Nanopress

new workbench with further machines
For the c-base workshop, a new workbench was designed to integrate the CNC milling machine and chop saw.

Radio programme Hyperbandrauschen about Libreflip
Ajuvo invited me to produce a radio show with him for the open…

Interview on the cultural history of the Bitcoin revolution
Bitcoin ist Teil einer digitalen Widerstandsbewegung gegen Überwachung und die globale Kontrollgesellschaft

Planning and realization of “The Hive”
Installation der c-base auf dem 34c3 in Leipzig

Inlays with the CNC milling machine
fine processing of precious wood as a Christmas gift with c-nancy

Project c-nancy
Design and construction of a CNC milling machine for c-base

Hose adapter for dust extraction
Design and Installation of a 3d printed dust suction port for the tilting router lift fence.

Tablesaw with Tilting Router Lift
Construction of a tilting router lift and mounting of a table saw into an old workbench.

Line bender for thermoplastics
documementation of the construction and usage of a line bender for plastics

Deutschlandfunk about the Laserfence
The german radio station "Deutschlandfunk" aired a segment about the laserfence.

Laserfence for 32c3
Creation of a laserfence for 32c3

Field kitchen for 300 people
Field kitchen to supply several Hackerspaces during the CCCamp15

RBB about the Subantenna during Camp 2015
short TV segment about the Subantenna and the c-base Village

Subantenna of c-base
Construction and building of a scale model of the Berlin TV-Tower

Vacuum Forming Machine
According to the founding myth, the association c-base…

Wooden Tablesaw
Construction of a wooden fence system for a cheap small tablesaw

Ingress table
The aim of this project was to create a unique piece of furniture, that serves as a meeting point for Ingress players.

Interview about the german Pirate Party
Marie Katharina Wagner asked me some questions for her book.

Talk about Hackerfleet during Wireless Community Weekend
The Core of the Hackerfleet idea, presented during the WCW

Copyright? Fuck it!
VICE-Interview: "Copyright? Fuck it!"